Copyright 2020 Artery Technology.

Innovation improves life, calculation improves health

Copyright 2020 Artery Technology.

Artery Technology,World class computing medical imaging company

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Hangzhou Artery Technology is a leading domestic and world-class computing medical imaging company

Hangzhou artery technology was established in May 2018, focusing on solving biomedical engineering problems with high performance computing based on medical imaging, and realizing personalized, non-invasive, high-precision and rapid disease diagnosis. Atray is led by an internationally renowned research team with more than 30 years of experience in fluid mechanics, biomedical engineering and high performance computing. The team has presided over a number of NSFC projects, national key R & D projects of the Ministry of science and technology of China, and NSFC projects, and published papers on top journals related to computational mathematics, biomedical engineering and medicine More than 100 articles.

Enterprise qualification

  • 2020.4 Clinical trials
  • 2019.6 Registration verification
  • 2019.4 Innovation Review
  • 2019.2 Classification and definition
  • 2018.12 Product shaping
  • 2018.7 Angel investment
  • 2018.5 Establishment of a company
  • 2014.5 Clinical research
  • 2014 Fundamental research

Technical highlights

Cooperation unit

Artery research center

Innovation improves life, calculation improves health