Copyright 2020 Artery Technology.

Innovation improves life, calculation improves health

Copyright 2020 Artery Technology.

Artery Technology,World class computing medical imaging company

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Talent strategy

The essence of talent strategy: talent is a kind of strategic resource. The core of talent strategy is to cultivate, attract, use and explore talents. Talent strategy is to think about the future, focusing on the role of talents in promoting the sustainable development and long-term development of enterprises.

Ability training

It is divided into open class training and department internal training. Open class training is implemented by human resources department, department internal training is implemented by each department and supervised by human resources department. It is divided into two directions: technical route and management route. At present, there are "operator promotion training", "team leader competency training" and "technician promotion training". The follow-up will continue to develop and establish the staff promotion training system.

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Artery research center

Innovation improves life, calculation improves health